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Small Engine Belt Tools

Small Engine Belt Tools available at LawnMowerPros. We carry a large selection of Small Engine Belt Tools ready to ship direct to your door. Our online catalog has a huge selection of Belt Tools ready to ship direct to your door. Don't see the part you need or need help finding the correct part for your equipment? Complete our Parts Help Request Form and we will be happy to assist you.

Popular Small Engine Belt Tools

2 Products Found

Oregon 75-910 Belt Measurer for Small Engine Parts

Measures belts from 14" - 100" in length
Heavy duty aluminum

  • STENS 752-998
  • and others
How to Measure a Belt using the 75-910 Belt Measurer

1. Define type of belt :
� 3L = 3/8" or 9.5 mm
� 4L = 1/2" or 12.7 mm
� 5L = 5/8" or 15.9 mm

2. Fit the belt over the blue plastic split pulley and pull the bottom half down tight.

3. If you are measuring an industrial belt (bulgy top) look at the left-hand slot in the half pulley.
The size (section) of the belt is indicated by the intersection of the belt top with one of the white blocks, either A or B.

If you have an FHP belt (flat top), the same procedure applies to the right-hand slot. The belt in the photo is a 4L belt (the section).

4. Now that you know the belt�s profile (section), look at the window below the split pulley and find the section number for your belt (3L, 4L, 5L, A or B) printed in white on the left side of the window. The number opposite or closest is the length in inches of the belt you are measuring.

Price: $158.99

Stens 752-998 Belt Measurer for Small Engine Parts

An excellent tool in determining the replacement belt needed
Measures FHP, power rated, A and B belts up to 100"
Measures outside circumference of belt
Reads in 1/2" increments

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